
Autumn Cup entries

The list of Entries so far to the Autumn Cup is now up. There is room for only about 10 more players so please enter as soon as possible if you want to play.

The Cup will be two Swiss Tournaments, both rated. The cut-off for A Grade is around 1500.

Please talk to Simon if you would like to move up (or possibly down) a grade.


2018 Summer Cup – Round 6

Just one more round to go. Some notices:

1. Due to a cricket match at Eden Park on March 26th there is no parking on the street near the Club. Please park elsewhere (or if early you might be able to park inside the club).

2. Club fees are due this week. Please pay or arrange payment with Mike Steadman.

3. Next week (Monday the 2nd of April) is Easter Monday so the club is closed

4. The Autumn Rapid will start on the 8th of April. Make sure you register to ensure you get in.

2018 Summer Cup Round 6 PGN by Ewan Green

A Grade

Paul Garbett vs Ben Hague – Black was a little better but was unable to make progress. Draw

Alphaeus Ang vs Michael Steadman – The computer suggests White could have sacrificed a piece for 3-4 pawns and a great position on move 14 but white played another move and black equalised. Players agreed on a draw in an equal position.

Alexei Kulasho vs Daniel Gong – Black was looking much better in the middle-game as he went two pawns up. But he realized too late that White had a dangerous attack against his king and White was able to force a mate. 1-0

Gino Thornton vs Bruce Watson – Swaps left White a pawn better in the endgame but with pawns on the wrong colour and opposite coloured bishops a draw was agreed.

Going into the last round Hague and Kulashko lead on 4.5 while Ang has 4.0

B Grade
Paul Macdonald vs Leo Zhang – Black got a nice advanced Knight on g3 and then found a nice win (see digram).

Macdonald vs Zhang after 24. Bxd4 – Black to play and win

Qe-Li Kong Lim vs Erwin Koestano -Black look better throughout and eventually won.

Alex Nagorski vs Nathan Goodhue 0 See commentary from Alex in the PGN – A long game but fairly even throughout. Black briefly had a advantage with a passed pawn but failed to find the best continuation. Draw

Allen Fan vs John Duneas – Draw

John Duneas and Alex Nagorski are on 4.0 and Nathan is on 3.5 with John having a game in hand.

C Grade

Simon Lyall vs Caroline Yan – The game quickly swapped with 3 pieces and 6 pawns each with Black looking better. But black gave up her good piece and white was able to pick up a pawn for a winning endgame. 1-0

Roy Seabrook vs Don Eade – White harassed Black with a pawn push on the King side and picked up a piece, then after Black gave up his Queen for two rooks White managed to fork one of Blacks rooks.  1-0

Simon Lyall is on 5.5 ahead of Nicole Qin and Roy Seabrook. Nicole was previous in the lead but has on rounds 5 and 6. Roy has had 3 wins after a two early loses.

D Grade

Euan MacDougall vs Jame Liu – White missed the best moves under and attack from Black and ended up in trouble. 0-1

Sarah Yan vs Mathew Steadman – After a swap-off the players agreed a draw.

Arkadi Poliakevitch vs Andrew Michael – White missed the win in a complex Mexican-standoff. Black got a winning king and pawn endgame and then was a little loose playing it, but White failed to find the drawing move. 0-1

Upsets in Round 6:
Philbert Zhai beat Philip Te Whata
Tom Fu beat David Xu
Kendrick Zhang beat Tody Zhang
Rosa Ryu beat Selena Xi

With the loss by Euan McDougall there are 3 players in the lead on 5.0 Euan, Jame Liu and Jordan Lewis. Just behind on 4.5 are Sarah Yan, Mathew Steadman and Andrew Michael.


2018 Summer Cup – Round 5

With just two rounds to go A & B grade as still close due to losses by the leaders.

  • A reminder that if you are in a round-robin grade you need to arrange with your opponent if you can’t make a game and also let Simon know. Try not to leave things until Monday afternoon.
  • Sign-ups have started for the Autumn Rapid. We will also have signups for Interclub and the Autumn Cup soon.


2018 Summer Cup round 5 PGN by Ewan Green

A Grade

Gino Thornton vs Paul Garbett – Paul declined Gino’s early draw offer and regretted it after Gino managed to get a Queenside pawn majority in the endgame and push these to a win. 1-0

Bruce Watson vs Alexei Kulashko – Black got a piece trapped and lost and things went downhill from there. 1-0

Daniel Gong vs Alphaeus Ang – After 25 moves in a cramped position an exchange of pawns on the Kingside left Whites position exposed and Black was able to line up the artillery (although White almost saved the point in the endgame). 0-1

Mike Steadman vs Ben Hague – Black got a passed pawn in the middlegame with a lot of pieces behind it. 0-1

After a loss by previous-leader Alexei Kulashko; Ben Hague is now in first place with 4 points. Just behind on 3.5 are Kulashko and Alphaeus Ang.

B Grade

Allen Fan vs Paul Macdonald – (Annotated in the PGN by Paul). White picked up a couple of pawns and then pushing passed pawns picked up a piece. 1-0

John Duneas vs Alex Nagorski – Annotated by Alex in the PGN – A roller-coaster of a game. Black was two pawns up but allowed a passed pawn which after the dust cleared left each player with a King and 3 kingside pawns. Black then made a mis-step and allowed White to get a passed pawn. 1-0

Nathan Goodhue vs Qi Le Kong Lim – A French exchange led to the game quickly swapping to an endgame. White had a slight advantage but Black was able to hold the draw.

Erwin Koestano vs Leo Zhang – Black’s position fell apart after he underestimate an attack.

Koestano vs Zhang – White to play and Win

As in A Grade the leader (Alex Nagorski) lost in round 5 so the lead is now shared between Alex and John Duneas on 3.5. Just behind are Paul Macdonald and Nathan Goodhue on 3.0

C Grade

Only one game in C Grade was played on Monday, Although Keith Ward has withdrawn so Simon Lyall won by default.

Din Eade vs Tim Ha – Annotate by Tim in the pgn – Black had a good start but his push ran petered out and White seized the initiative and picked up and attack and an exchange. Black tried some tricks but they were not enough. 1-0

Simon Lyall is currently in the led by half a point but Nicole Qin has a game in hand. The rest of the field is well behind those two.

D Grade

Jin Own vs Euan McDougall – White mis-calculated a series of exchanges and ended up a rook down.

Anya Thurner beat Philip Te Whata
Abraham Deng beat Wayne McDougall

Euan McDougall is the only undefeated player and is a point ahead of Sarah Yan, Abrahan Deng, Jame Liu, Jordan Lewis and Mathew Steadman (all on 4 points)



2018 Summer Cup – Round 4

Signups for the Autumn Rapid are now at the club. Please enter via sign-in there or a text to Simon Lyall. A reminder that Club fees will go up soon to if they are not paid.


2018 Summer Cup, Round 4 PGN by Tim Ha


A Grade

Draw between Paul Garbett and Mike Steadman (Game not in PGN) while Gino forfeited his game against Alexei Kulashko.

Daniel Gong made one bad move against Ben Hague and allowed Ben a winning attack.

In Alphaeus Ang vs Bruce Watson, Alphaeus got an exchange and swapped into an endgame and then spotted a quick mate for a win.

After 4 rounds Alexei Kulashko is in the lead on 3.5 with Ben Hague in second on 3.

B Grade

See the PGN for Paul Macdonald’s Full Analysis of his game against Erwin Koestano. Erwin looked good for much of the game before a couple of mistakes lost material and allowed Paul a winning counter-attack.

Leon Zhang and Nathan Goodhue drew

Qi Le Kong-Lim vs John Duneas saw John unsoundly sacrifice a piece. However John managed to win a piece back during the endgame (when players were short on time) and win the game.

Alex Nagorski vs Allen Fan. This game is annotated by Alex in the PGN. Alex won by pushing a passed pawn in the late middle-game. Alex’s summary: White played recklessly in the opening reacting not really well to the Black’s novelty Rf7 (Opening theory). Later on, maneuvering, White missed a couple of tactical chances to get advantage of the position (missed Ke6 and g4). (Improve tactics! Count!) I assume that Black felt the White’s pressure throughout the whole game though and struggled to find the correct way to organise counterplay (e.g. Kb6?). In the endgame Black missed the saving move 29…c6 (which can be psychologically justified). White shouldn’t have jumped for the obvious but carefully evaluate and play correctly (Qd7?) Moreover, there was no significant time pressure (11:18 v 20:00). Things to work on: 1) Opening theory, review KI games 2) Tactics, counting improvement

Alex is leading on 3.5 ahead of Paul on 3.

C Grade

Joy Qin and Caroline Yan drew later in the week in a catchup game.

Nicole Qin won by default against Keith Ward.

Simon Lyall beat Don Eade after Don made a mistake in the opening and allowed Simon to cramp Don’s position and bring up a dangerous attack.

Tim Ha’s good start against Roy Seabrook went downhill after he got a rook pinned and then he resigned after Roy won it for nothing.

Nicole Qin leads the Grade on 4/4 while Simon Lyall is second on 3.5.

D Grade

Euan MacDougall is the only undefeated player after a narrow win against Abraham Deng.

Jame Liu, Sarah Yan and Owen Jin are on 3.5

Upsets in round 4:

Brian Zhao beat Rodney Li
Boyuan Zhang Philip Te Whata
Felix Xie beat Stephen Peak
Jeffrey Yu beat David Xu
Anya Thurner beat Leo Li
Mathew Steadman beat Aaron Wang

2018 Summer Cup – Round 3

B grade has been a bit disrupted up following the withdrawal of Brett Rider and Alex Huang. They have been replaced by Erwin Koestano and Qi Le Kong-Lim. I hope to catchup with results later this week.

PGN of round 3 by Ewen Green

A Grade

Alexei Kulashko had a straight-forward win over Paul Garbett after Paul got a little behind out of the opening and Alexei put on pressure with an attack.

Alpheaus Ang and Gino Thornton played a complicated game of sacrifices and exchanges. After the dust settled Alphaeus was an exchange up in an endgame and Gino resigned.

Bruce Watson mis-calculated and material to Ben Hague and resigned early.

Danial Gong sacrificed a piece for 3 pawns and an attack against Mike Steadman. His attack was slowing down when Mike missed a tactic which allowed Daniel to gain material and initiative.

After 3 rounds Alexei Kulashko is on first place on 2.5 points.

B Grade

Alex Nagorski vs Paul Macdonald – Black got a little ahead in the opening but White equalized. The players then swapped pieces into a drawn King and pawn endgame, although the computer says both players had chances at times.

Nathan Goodhue vs Edwin Koestanto – White picked up two pawns and then a Queen for a rook and Bishop. This was enough to win.

The other two games were unplayed.

C Grade

Tim Ha vs Joy Qin – White managed to come a piece up after an attack but took a draw.

Keith Ward vs Caroline Yan – After a lot of back and forth Black won.

Roy Seabrook vs Simon Lyall – Black picked up a piece during a dangerous attack and then blundered it straight back. Eventually Black won.

Don Eade vs Nicole Qin – White went a pawn down and then sacrificed a piece but this was unsuccessful and Black won easily with her extra piece.

D Grade


Boyuan Zhang beat David Ansell
Abraham Deng beat Andrew Michael
Brian Zhao beat Leo Li


2018 Summer Cup – Round 2

There are a large number of postponed games in the top grades for various reasons. They will usually be updated in Vega but often won’t be played until after these posts.

2018 Summer Cup R2 PGN by Tim Ha

A Grade

Paul Garbett vs Daniel Gong – After Black allowed white to push his centre pawns Paul ended up with a huge attack and mate in a few moves.

Mike Steadman tried an attack against Bruce Watson but Bruce defended accurately and a draw was agreed.

Gino opted not to try and hold a lost endgame against Ben. Alphaeus and Alexi had a long game in which both players had chances but was draw,

B Grade

Paul Macdonald and Nathan Goodhue (see for notes in the PGN) drew after swaps took the interest out of the position.

Allen Fan managed to pick up a draw against Leo Zhang after being behind for much of the game.

C Grade

Joy Qin and Keith Ward had exciting game. Joy was playing in increment for the last 10 moves and ended up with a draw after being better.

The following position occurred at the end of Nicole Qin vs Roy Seabrook. Nicole was half awake and found a good but not the best move.

D Grade

Upsets in Round 2:

Isabelle Ning beat Virginia Milne
Abraham Deng beat Aaron Wang
Uday Jain beat Erica Hu
Anya Thurner drew with Xinyang Liu


2018 Summer Cup – Round 1

Apologies for getting a little behind with rounds. I hope to catchup in the next few days.

2018 Summer Cup Round 1 PGN by Ewen Green

A Grade

No real upsets, although Gong was lucky to escape with a draw after being a passed pawn down in the endgame, luckily for him he was able to round it up.

In Alphaeus Ang vs Paul Garbett – Black sacrificed the exchange for a huge attack that quickly won. See the diagram for the deadly attack.

B Grade

Once again see Paul Macdonald’s commentary on his game against Brett Rider. He prepared an opening move against Brett’s opening and was able to put Brett on the back foot and win.

Alex Nagorski had a good win against Leo Zhang after a pawn push opened up Leo’s position.

C Grade

Simon Lyall vs Joy Qin was a French, Joy wasted time in the opening and allowed Simon to get a winning attack.

Tim Ha vs Nicole Qin was also a French, in the case White made some incorrect moves and lost a pawn and the initiative.

Another French in Roy Seabrook vs Caroline Yan. White played some unlikely moves ( 5. Be2 6. O-O 7. Re1 8. Bf1 ) but Black failed to take real advantage and the game evened up and White eventually won.

Don Eade had some chances against Keith Ward but settled for a draw.

D Grade

Upsets were:

  • Abraham Deng beat Xinyang Liu (via a lucky fork after being behind the whole game)
  • Kendrick Zhang beat David Ansell
  • Brian Zhao beat Winston Weng


Summer Cup 2018 – C Grade Draw

Draw for the C Grade in the 2018 Summer Cup

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - C Grade : Round 1
1 = 1 Lyall, Simon         -   8 Qin, Joy Shu Yan    
2 = 2 Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth -   7 Qin, Nicole Shu Yu  
3 = 3 Seabrook, Roy        -   6 Yan, Caroline       
4 = 4 Eade, Don            -   5 Ward, Keith         

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - C Grade : Round 2
1 = 8 Qin, Joy Shu Yan     -   5 Ward, Keith         
2 = 6 Yan, Caroline        -   4 Eade, Don           
3 = 7 Qin, Nicole Shu Yu   -   3 Seabrook, Roy       
4 = 1 Lyall, Simon         -   2 Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - C Grade : Round 3
1 = 2 Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth -   8 Qin, Joy Shu Yan    
2 = 3 Seabrook, Roy        -   1 Lyall, Simon        
3 = 4 Eade, Don            -   7 Qin, Nicole Shu Yu  
4 = 5 Ward, Keith          -   6 Yan, Caroline       

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - C Grade : Round 4
1 = 8 Qin, Joy Shu Yan     -   6 Yan, Caroline       
2 = 7 Qin, Nicole Shu Yu   -   5 Ward, Keith         
3 = 1 Lyall, Simon         -   4 Eade, Don           
4 = 2 Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth -   3 Seabrook, Roy       

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - C Grade : Round 5
1 = 3 Seabrook, Roy        -   8 Qin, Joy Shu Yan    
2 = 4 Eade, Don            -   2 Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth
3 = 5 Ward, Keith          -   1 Lyall, Simon        
4 = 6 Yan, Caroline        -   7 Qin, Nicole Shu Yu  

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - C Grade : Round 6
1 = 8 Qin, Joy Shu Yan     -   7 Qin, Nicole Shu Yu  
2 = 1 Lyall, Simon         -   6 Yan, Caroline       
3 = 2 Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth -   5 Ward, Keith         
4 = 3 Seabrook, Roy        -   4 Eade, Don           

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - C Grade : Round 7
1 = 4 Eade, Don            -   8 Qin, Joy Shu Yan    
2 = 5 Ward, Keith          -   3 Seabrook, Roy       
3 = 6 Yan, Caroline        -   2 Ha, Huy Minh (Timoth
4 = 7 Qin, Nicole Shu Yu   -   1 Lyall, Simon        

Summer Cup 2018 – B Grade Draw

Draw for the B Grade in the 2018 Summer Cup

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - B Grade : Round 1
1 = 1 Rider, Brett         -   8 Macdonald, Paul     
2 = 2 Nagorski, Alex       -   7 Zhang, Leo          
3 = 3 Fan, Allen Chi Zhou  -   6 Huang, Alex         
4 = 4 Duneas, John         -   5 Goodhue, Nathan     

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - B Grade : Round 2
1 = 8 Macdonald, Paul      -   5 Goodhue, Nathan     
2 = 6 Huang, Alex          -   4 Duneas, John        
3 = 7 Zhang, Leo           -   3 Fan, Allen Chi Zhou 
4 = 1 Rider, Brett         -   2 Nagorski, Alex      

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - B Grade : Round 3
1 = 2 Nagorski, Alex       -   8 Macdonald, Paul     
2 = 3 Fan, Allen Chi Zhou  -   1 Rider, Brett        
3 = 4 Duneas, John         -   7 Zhang, Leo          
4 = 5 Goodhue, Nathan      -   6 Huang, Alex         

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - B Grade : Round 4
1 = 8 Macdonald, Paul      -   6 Koestano, Erwin        
2 = 7 Zhang, Leo           -   5 Goodhue, Nathan     
3 = 1 Kong-Lim, Qi Le      -   4 Duneas, John        
4 = 2 Nagorski, Alex       -   3 Fan, Allen Chi Zhou 

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - B Grade : Round 5
1 = 3 Fan, Allen Chi Zhou  -   8 Macdonald, Paul     
2 = 4 Duneas, John         -   2 Nagorski, Alex      
3 = 5 Goodhue, Nathan      -   1 Kong-Lim, Qi Le      
4 = 6 Koestano, Erwin      -   7 Zhang, Leo          

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - B Grade : Round 6
1 = 8 Macdonald, Paul      -   7 Zhang, Leo          
2 = 1 Kong-Lim, Qi Lee     -   6 Koestano, Erwin       
3 = 2 Nagorski, Alex       -   5 Goodhue, Nathan     
4 = 3 Fan, Allen Chi Zhou  -   4 Duneas, John        

ACC Summer Cup 2018 - B Grade : Round 7
1 = 4 Duneas, John         -   8 Macdonald, Paul     
2 = 5 Goodhue, Nathan      -   3 Fan, Allen Chi Zhou 
3 = 6 Koestano, Erwin        -   2 Nagorski, Alex      
4 = 7 Zhang, Leo           -   1 Kong-Lim, Qi Le