It was an intense last round of the 2023 Auckland Interclub A-grade competition. ACC prepared a surprise for North Shore by bringing multi-time NZ and ACC club champion, FM Alexei Kulashko, to play on board 1, but NSCC brought their best team (when Daniel Wang was just board 5!) and beat ACC 4-2. However, ACC won the tournament on game points, with ACC, NSCC, and Summit all on 8 match points (SU beat NSCC, ACC beat SU, and NSCC beat ACC; all three won against other clubs). The tournament saw no draws — all matches were decisive. More on
We’d like to thank all 12 players who played for ACC — FM Alphaeus Ang, Daqi Mao, WCM Isabelle Ning, Alan Winfield, Yolanda Chang, Jordan Lewis, Timothy Ha, Winston Weng, Sarah Sun, Hunter Po’e-Tofaeono, CM Alex Nagorski, and FM Alexei Kulashko. A special mention goes to WCM Isabelle Ning who won all five games in five appearances (including the important point in the last match), and FM Alphaeus Ang who scored 4 points in five games, with no losses. Team chess is great! Now let’s prepare for the B-grade Interclubs, junior Interclubs, and blitz later this year.