Fewer upsets in A Grade than last week, although B Grade still saw a few, plus a small number in C Grade.
A reminder that the North Island Champs and the NZ Junior tournaments will both be played at the Chess Centre during the July School Holidays. Entry forms are on NZ Chess Calendar page.
Also a reminder that if you are away for the holidays then please let Simon know so you can be given byes.
Club Champs Round 2 PGN by Tim Ha
A Grade
Duneas vs Steadman – Draw agreed after a few moves.
Ang vs Goodhue – White picked up an early pawn but swapping pieces whittled away his advantage until Black had an even endgame. However, White gained a passed pawn. 1-0
Watson vs Morrell – After an even start, Black made an error. White gave some pressure and caught one of Black’s rooks with no safe squares. White went an exchange ahead and then picked up an additional pawn. Black ran out of time trying to hold his position. 1-0
Fan vs Zhang – White made a nice start with Black a little confined. He miscalculated a push and had to scramble to save it though, which allowed Black to even things. After some maneuvering and opening position White made a mistake and Black gained enough material to win. 0-1
Gong v Hague – Very exciting. Black gave up 2 pawns (and later other material) for a series of attacks. White struggled to defend and almost succeed. However, he eventually made the fatal mistake. 0-1

Leo Zhang and Ben Hague are in 1st Equal on 2 points.
B Grade
Ha v Eade – A much better start for Black who more quickly and better developed. White tried swapping but his position deteriorated. He resigned in face of an imminent passed pawn. 0-1
Lyall vs Wu – White blundered an exchange early in the game. He attempted to hold the position but eventually Black broke though. 0-1
Caroline Yan vs Nagorski – Black was slightly ahead at the start but White successfully navigated the position before losing an exchange. Black then exchange pieces into a completely winning position. 0-1
Peak vs Brimble – Boring Italian game followed by an early draw agreement.
Nicole Qin vs Ward – TIL that 1. d4 d6 2. c4 e5 is the “English Rat defense”. Black continued by aggressively pushing pawns although. After aggressive swaps and locked pawn structures, the players maneuvered for a while. Black spotted a chance one move too late which allowed White a draw due to threatened perpetual check. Draw.
Eric Wu is in first place on 2 points ahead of Alex Nagorski on 1.5.
C Grade
A few upsets:
- Jason Huang beat Rodney Li
- Jianbo Yu beat Erica Hu
- Jacob Chai by Justin Zhao
- Uday Jain beat Brian Zhao
11 players shared 1st place on 2 points.